My First Post

My first post will be about my first post. This post will be completely and utterly amazing. A fantastic piece of work that shines as it is read and comes alive as it is the reblogged and liked millions upon millions of times. It is going to be a 10 out of fucking 10, a fucking masterpiece. When it will be read it will bring tears of joy and cause severe thought and inspiration for its completing and interestingly brilliant awesomeness. It’ll be so fucking good that its going to be the best post of all time and all of the other stupid bloggers will look at it in envy as they delete their blogs. A post of pure greatness.

The Brown Road Chronicles

barn coat

I’d seen the catalog images hundreds of times. The classic LL Bean Barn Coat. Worn by handsome, rugged guys with peppered hair, stubbled faces and crow’s feet that deepened the harder they would smile at the camera. The backdrops of their imaginary lives, idyllic rural landscapes painted in autumn colors or with fences lining fields of grazing horses. The assumption was rural New England or Bean’s hometown state of Maine but it could have been anywhere, left purely up to the imagination of the reader, the buyer, the consumer.

Granted, they were models, likely from the famed Ford agency in Manhattan, but I wanted to be those guys, to wear that coat and be rugged and handsome and capable. To work hard and play hard, to be one with the outdoors, to drive a pick-up truck on dirt roads and do jobs worthy of wearing an LL Bean Barn Coat, a…

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